Participatory Budgeting Pilot Campaign in Ward 33, Toronto brings awareness about the participatory budgeting process and offers a chance for the community members to decide how the funding in their community should be allocated?
Making an inclusive experience, that puts power, back into the hands of the people.
We followed a pre-defined and unnew Participatory Budgeting Campaign.
Here’s a useful infographic to demonstrate our process.
Had several engaging sessions with the steering committee and the residents of Ward 33 pitching projects that could help the community.
Project proposals were
1. Safety & Accessibility in Bellbury & Lescon Park
2. Wider sidewalks on Don Mills Road
3. New water bottle filling stations
4. Fitness track in Linus Park
5. Butterfly Garden in Ward 33
6. New playground in Havenbrook Park
7. Muirhead Park Beutification
8. Shawnee Park Revitalization
9. Ping Pong Table in Bellbury Park
10. New benches in Parkway Forest Park
We helped the residents in developing their ideas into feasible proposals which then vetted by the steering committee.
Ward 33 residents voted for the proposals that would divide the allocated budget. This process empowers the residents to decide together how to spend public money.
Allocated public funding
Winning projects
I collaborated with the Print team and was responsible for creating the brand identity and the flyers for the campaign.
Digital Collateral
Outcome of the Participatory Budgeting Campaign
- Increased engagement of the residents of Ward 33
- Stronger relationships between the government, and residents
- Large voter turnout
- More effective spending
Carla Aziz
Jessie Cooper
Jay Lee
Sagana Mahalingam
Urvi Trivedi
Xiao Yang
Yana Zinovyeva
Reviewed By
Paul Shectar
Steering Committee of Ward 33